Printed Booklet on “Practices of dialogue from the Holy Land”

The project “Practices of dialogue from the Holy Land” is somehow a follow-up of the training course “how to teach religious and cultural diversity”. This project aimed at producing a small booklet to support teachers of religion and educators who are willing to introduce their students to interreligious encounters and dialogue. 

The project is two-fold: on one hand, it presents dialogue initiatives involving Jewish, Christian and Muslim communities or individuals, particularly in Jerusalem, through a short presentation of the concrete actions undertaken by different organizations and the structure proposed for each activity so that the teacher/instructor may be inspired and learn from these best practices. On the other hand, the booklet also wants to be a resource offering more academic reflections on some topics at the heart of these interreligious experiences (some possible topics are: prayer, service, support of the neediest ones, youth, study of Scriptures etc.) to provide some food for thought and knowledge about either the three faith traditions or even just one or two of them.