Kindle and Connect: An Interfaith Gathering of Women Leaders

Women of all ages came together during the online conference, “Kindle and Connect: An Interfaith Gathering of Women Leaders,” organized by Allyson Zacharoff ’14. Participants from across North America (and a few beyond) met on June 16, 2021, with the goal that each participant would learn something new, meet someone new, and take something meaningful away from the conference.

There was a significant degree of diversity among the participants, with many backgrounds represented including Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, non-religious, pagan, Sikh, and Zoroastrian. Participants hailed from over 30 U.S. states and 5 Canadian provinces.

The half-day conference boasted a robust and varied program with over twenty sessions including a keynote address given by Dr. Diana L. Eck of the Pluralism Project at Harvard University; affinity groups offering the opportunity to meet others with similar identities; workshops on a great variety of topics; musical performances; and a closing panel with national leaders on the topic of women’s leadership.

The conference led to the creation of a Facebook group, allowing participants to foster a growing network of female leaders committed to dialogue across lines of difference.

  • 150 registered participants 
  • 20+ sessions
  • 30+ US States and 5 Canadian Provinces represented 

“What a delight to bring together the voices of powerful women leaders from so many different traditions. We started a network and developed friendships—who knows where it may lead?” – Workshop participant.