Dialogue, any form of dialogue and interreligious dialogue, is based on close
and intimate interactions. During the Covid-19 pandemic, traditional forms
of dialogue were put on hold. It was no longer possible to meet in person, and
the challenges were even more significant as communities worldwide were
facing unprecedented psychic and spiritual difficulties and hardship. While
interreligious dialogue is always a challenge, it seems that during the recent
pandemic, it has become almost impossible.
Under these unprecedented conditions, how could one not only find
the physical requirements to continue the dialogue but, even more so,
the emotional and mental energies and resources needed to continue to
dialogue outside of your immediate community? Is interreligious dialogue a
fundamental necessity in such times?
Even with these challenging questions, there grew new methods and
methodologies and, most importantly, a new commitment and understanding
of the necessity of dialogue for our future. Many sense that the pandemic
has reminded us of the fundamental truth of the unity of humanity and the
great need for dialogue—interreligious dialogue—for the future of our faith
traditions and communities.