
Check our calendar for upcoming events in Rome, Zoom webinars, and lectures that we organize for interfaith communities online.

Jewish-Christian Relations

Rabbi Joseph LeviPhilipp G. Renczes, S.J. Largo della Sanità Militare, 60 00184 Rome, Italy Registration:

“Non nel nome di Dio”

La conferenza di inaugurazione dell'anno sociale 2017-2018 è dedicata a una discussione sul tema del rapporto tra religione e violenza, ...

Is Islam an Enemy of the West?

The Georgetown Lecture on Contemporary IslamTamara Sonn (Georgtown University) Pontificio Istituto di Studi Arabi e d'Islamistica Viale di Trastevere, 89, ...

Forum: Le religioni in Cina Il caso Islam

Relatori: Monica Romano, Vittorio PagliaroModeratore: P. Laurent Basanese S.J. Pontificià Università Gregoriana-Piazza della Pilotta, 4 Aula C009

La preghiera nell’Ebraismo

Rabbi Joseph Levi (Firenze)Pontificia Univesrità Antonianum - Aula A Via Merulana, 124 Rome

Is Genesis 49:10 a Messianic Prophecy?

Prof. Israel KNOHLYehezkel Kaufmann Professor of Bible, The Hebrew University and Russell Berrie Visiting Professor, Angelicum University

The Bible in the Islamic Imagination

Walid Saleh (University of Toronto)Pontifical Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies Viale di Trastevere, 89, 00153 Roma

Youth Education for Dialogue

Vellore Vicariate Youth were given Inter-religious dialogue formation and education. Alumni grant was part of it. Fr. Thangaaj

La preghiera nell’Induismo

Svaminī Haṃsānanda Giri - Vice-Presidentessa dell’Unione Indù Italiana Pontificia Università Antonianum - Aula A Via Merulana, 124 – 00185 Roma

“Religion and Policy”

Aperitivo + Dialogue with Kieran Ramsey, legal attaché with the federal bureau of investigation of theu.s. embassy to the holy ...

The Philosophy of the Midrash

Rabbi Jack BEMPORADDirector, The Center for Interreligious Understanding Teaneck, New Jersey, USA Centro Pro Unione Via di Santa Maria dell'Anima, ...

“Who is my Neighbour?”

“Who is my Neighbour?”Father Aloysious Mowe, SJ, international director of advocacy and communications for Jesuit Refugee Service, will speak on ...

“Rewriting Nostra Aetate Today”

18th Annual Brenninkmeijer-Werhahn LectureCardinal Bea Centre for Judaic Studies Lecture Theatre C008 Pontifical Gregorian University Piazza della Pilotta, 4 – ...

The Bible from Three “Points of View”

18th Annual Brenninkmeijer-Werhahn Lecture,Lecture Theatre C008 – 6:00pm Pontifical Gregorian University Piazza della Pilotta, 4 – Rome

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Chieti and the Trajectory of Catholic-Orthodox DialogueDr Paula R. Gooder Director for Mission Learning and Development in the Birmingham Diocese ...

Charism of Unity and Petrine Ministry Ecumenism

18th Annual Brenninkmeijer-Werhahn LectureLecture Theatre C008 – 6:00pm Pontifical Gregorian University Piazza della Pilotta, 4 – Rome

Living the Beatitudes Today

Ecumenical Retreat Morning. Abbot Primate Gregory Polen, OSB, will offer a Benedictine reflection on the Beatitudes in the context of ...