Baltazar Acebedo

  • Country: Philippines
  • Cohort: X

Being a former seminarian for ten years, Baltazar became familiar with Islam, Buddhism, different Christian denominations and other religions through participation in apostolate programs and school conferences. After obtaining degrees in Theology and Philosophy, he served as an Instructor of Moral Theology and Social Philosophy at the University of Santo Tomas, Manila. During this time, he held interesting colloquies with students from different religious backgrounds as the country’s government considered controversial issues such as the death penalty, same-sex marriage, divorce, along with a wide range of social issues like contraception and surrogacy. By learning more about interreligious dialogue through the Russell Berrie Fellowship, he would like to aim for a more effective approach in teaching morality among diverse religious perspectives to guard young minds against the political relativism, secularism and the devaluation of the concept of peace.

  • Bachelor of Arts in Sacred Theology
    University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines, 2015
  • Bachelor of Arts in Classical Philosophy
    University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines, 2013
  • Bachelor of Arts in Ecclesiastical Philosophy
    University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines, 2011